Abdesalam Soudi, Ph.D.
Sociolinguist, Educator, Mentor, and Innovator

Selected Published Work
Linguistics, HCI, Electronic Health Records, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
Soudi, A., deBorja, L., South-Paul, J. (2020) Exploring Themes of Culture in a Medical School Cultural Competence Course. In A. Murrell, J. Petrie & A. Soudi (Eds.), Diversity Across the Disciplines: Research on People, Policy, Process, and Paradigm. Information Age Publishing (IAP)
Gooden, S., Soudi, A., Park, K., Kinloch, V. (2020) Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: A Multifaceted Approach. In A. Murrell, J. Petrie & A. Soudi (Eds.), Diversity Across the Disciplines: Research on People, Policy, Process, and Paradigm. Information Age Publishing (IAP)
Murrell, A., Petrie, J., Soudi, A. (Eds.). (2020) Diversity Across the Disciplines: Research on People, Policy, Process, and Paradigm. Information Age Publishing (IAP)
Huang, C.; Hill, A., MSPH; Miller, E.; Soudi, A.; Flick, D; Hawker, L.; Buranosky, R.; Holland, C.; Chang, J. (Forthcoming, 2019) “Are you safe at home?”: Clinician’s Assessments for Intimate Partner Violence at the Initial Obstetric Visit
Soudi, A., (2018) Driverless cars might follow the rules of the road, but what about the language of driving?, The Conversation, January 8, 2018, (Reprinted in LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Salon, Gulf-Times, CNBC, AP News)
Soudi, A., Gooden, S., Chang, J., Kiesling, S., & South-Paul, J. (2017) Humanities in Health Editorial. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 5 (4) 506-512, Editorial (Full set in EJPCH 5 (4) 506-560), Executive Communication by Provost and Senior-Vice Chancellor, Dr. Patty Beeson.
Soudi, A. & South-Paul, J. (2017). An interdisciplinary approach to cultural competence education in an academic health center, European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 5 (4) 516-521
Soudi, A. (2016) What’s in your culture box, Pitt Chronicle, September 19, 2016 (13)
Soudi, A. (2015a), Timing of gaze alone tells us nothing about visit quality and EHR design. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 21: 173. doi: 10.1111/jep.12236
Soudi, A. (2016) Connecting Linguistics to the Community and Industry, The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, Pitt Pride, Volume 13, Issue 1, 3
Soudi A, McCague A. (2015b) Medical Scribes and Electronic Health Records. JAMA.314(5):518-519. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.6947 (JAMA impact factor: 35, cited by 11)
Soudi, A., Gooden, S. (In preparation). Sequential and prosodic aspects of the doctor's use of alright in English conversation
Parker, J., Behrens, S., Chaski, C., Tzoukermann, E., Soudi, A. (2015) Linguists Working with Related Professions, Symposium at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, LSA Handbook (122-124)
Chaski, C., Kang, S.M, Walters, K., Baugh, J., Almela, A., Soudi, A. (2015) Expertise and Methodology in Forensic Linguistics, Symposium at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, LSA Handbook (104-106)
Scheunemann, L., Soudi, A. (2019, Forthcoming) Of Fighters, Vegetables and Guinea Pigs: An Essay on Metaphors in Clinician-Family Communication in the ICU
Soudi, A. (2013) Competing lines of action: A sociolinguistic approach to the human-computer interface in doctors' consultations. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
Pitt Magazine (2020): Remote Possibilities, Feature about my Aspects of Sociolinguistics Class
Pitt Wire (2020): Dispatches from the First Week of Online Learning, University of Pittsburgh Publication
Invited contribution to Wikitongues 2020 Podcasts: Episode 3 of Speaking of US
Contribution to a film jointly produced by Pitt Linguistics and the University of Oxford (2019: Artificial Intelligence in the World of Languages, joint collaboration between Pitt and Creative Multilingualism, University of Oxford
University Times: Pitt comes together to honor Tree of Life victims and stress love over hate (Fall 2018)
Radio Interview with GlobalNews, Angela Kokott, Host of Calgary Today: Do Driverless cars understand human interactions (January 2018)
Pittsburgh Magazine, Interview about Pitt's Nationality Rooms and Director Maxine Bruhns , She is the Keeper of the Nations (September 2015)
Interview with Pitt Med magazine: Doctor/Patient/Computer Relations (Fall 2015)
Interview with Pitt Chronicle, Newspaper of the University of Pittsburgh:Humanities in Health Conference Set for April 7 (Spring 2016)
Soudi, A., (2017) Living & Working Together: The Value and Meaning of Diversity.[Documentary], © University of Pittsburgh, ISAN 0000-005-ED5E-0000-B-0000-0000-4
Soudi, A., (2019) Linguistics at Work in the Community, Health and Tech Industry[Documentary], © University of Pittsburgh
Cross-disciplinary work
Media Interviews, Films