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Sociolinguist, Educator, Internship Program Director, Course Director  

Dr. Soudi is a Sociolinguist recognized for several scholarly accomplishments in Conversation Analysis, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity, Arabic Linguistics,  Electronic Health Records, Cultural Competency in medical practice, as well as a  commitment to continually developing his teaching practice and enabling his students and interns to access opportunities beyond the classroom through his Humanities at Work initiative.  He directs the Linguistics Internship Program,  and also co-directs a Master's level course on cultural competence offered through the Institute for Clinical Research Education. He leads a cross-disciplinary Humanities in Health initiative (HinH). With a passion for discovering new findings and sharing knowledge, he made a significant impact in his field and higher education as a whole at Pitt. Currently he holds a full time regular faculty appointment in the department of Linguistics. Other affiliations also include:

  • Faculty Fellow, Honors College, University of Pittsburgh

  • Fellow, European Society for Person Centered Healthcare

  • Faculty Affiliate, Global Studies, University of Pittsburgh

  • Faculty Affiliate, Center for Bioethics and Health Law

  • Faculty, Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE)

  • Adjunct Appointment, Department of Family Medicine

Classes Taught and Designed

LING 1800 Special topics: Sociolinguistics of Arabic (designed and taught) LING 1235  Language, Gender, and Society LING 1267 Aspects of Sociolinguistics LING 1930 Applications of Linguistics LING 1000 Introduction to Linguistics LING 1900 Linguistic Consulting/Internship: Connecting Linguistics to the Industry & Community(Program developed, designed and taught) LING 1520 Introduction to Arabic Linguistics (designed and taughtLING 1263 Cross-Cultural Communication MEDEDU 2240 (Master’s level courses): Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Medical Practice FM 5485 Cultural Competence Fourth Year Elective

In addition to teaching, Soudi advises undergraduate students, serves as a member in committees for graduate work, and serves in various grant and scholarship committees such as Fulbright, Truman, and other research opportunities. Recently, he also served as a referee for the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) fellowship. 


His diversity statement, teaching philosophy, experience, and sample syllabi can be found here

Advising and Mentoring 

©2022 by Abdesalam Soudi

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